
Generous donors have enabled the Raincross Master Chorale to award scholarships to more than 45 collegiate music students who have gone on to become professional singers, conduct masterworks, and travel the world as vocalists. Recipient of a Riverside Arts and Culture Grant for 2023-2024, the Raincross Master Chorale uses monies received from its concerts to fund these local scholarships. We invite your support of our efforts and offer a grateful thanks to today’s attendees and the financial donors listed here.

Raincross Master Chorale is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Your kind donation is tax deductible. To make a donation (in multiples of $25), simply click the “Add to Cart” button below. When you’re ready to check out, click the “Shopping Cart” link in the upper left corner of the page.

Sponsor ($1,000 and up)
Mary Gabe

Amy & Rich Cardullo

Benefactors: ($250 to $499)                                                                                                                                                                        Some of the recent scholarship winners from the Raincross Master Chorale: from left, Susana Leiva, James Gjurgevich, Leslie Martinez, Anthony Leon and Sarah Horn.

Mary Ann Chausee

Patron ($100 to $249)

Janet & John Gless

Patricia Williams

Kris & Stephen Lovekin

Connie Confer

Ardith & Norton Younglove Heather & Dennis Hodges

Selina & Phil Bremenstuhl

Barbara Wilson

Roslyn & Marc Jones

Joan Sousa

Beth Kelsey

Mary Norby

Jeanne Kentfield & Chor Kwan

Ron Chick

Sandy & Marty Tarmo

Gloria & Dallas Rabenstein

Friend: ($25 to $99)

Karen Ostermiller *



The Raincross Chorale thanks the City of Riverside for the Arts and Culture Grant for 2023-24.

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